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I love fermented foods, and strongly recommend them {okay, maybe require!} for all of my coaching clients. When I started eating them so many of my digestive health issues like bloating and feeling so blah after meals started to magically disappear (as well as my strongest sweet cravings!).
You may be thinking: “Okay, Robyn, what exactly are fermented foods? And what’s so great about them?”
Although many of us don’t often eat fermented vegetables like raw sauerkraut or kimchi, our diets typically include a lot of fermented products: bread, cheese, yogurt, coffee, tea, alcohol, mustard, and more. You’d be surprised how un-foreign fermentation is to your body! But for the health reasons we’re talking about here the kraut is where it’s at. And I’m not talking about the stuff you put on a hot dog at the ballpark, I’m specifically speaking about raw, unpasteurized and fermented vegetables you typically find in the refrigerator section of your local health food store.
Aside from the delicious tangy taste, the best part are THE BENEFITS!
Why eat fermented foods?
Ready to try these superhero foods? Here are 3 simple ways to add more fermented foods to your diet:
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