Go with Your Gut Book Bonuses

Welcome! I’m so excited that you have Go with Your Gut in your hands! I’m proud to share my best coaching, research, recipes, and practical how-to’s all in one fabulous place. Here are all the fun extras to take the practices from the book and make them a part of your life. Enjoy!



P.S. Looking for more? Make sure you are signed up for my newsletter list for even more recipes and tips PLUS information on *exclusive* Your Healthiest You events.

     The cornerstone of the Go with Your Gut plan, this meal was THE game changer for me. It stimulated so many other amazing changes in my body. I used to make smoothies or green juices because I thought I needed something “light” in the morning. I thought my “iffy” stomach couldn’t properly digest whole foods in their original form, meaning I chose blended raw over steamed kale. I was wrong. Rather than waking my gut with cold liquid, it needed a warm and grounding meal to get going; something that would really satisfy me, and not just for a couple of hours.

This meal was created and coined by one of my teachers and dear friends, Laura Hames Franklin, founder of the School of Universal Health Principles.

The number one question I get asked by my audience is, “What’s the most important thing I can do right now to feel better, be healthier, and lose weight?” My answer is always the same: You need to learn how to start chewing your food!

But I get it, we all need a little help to build a new practice – to guide us from “I should do that”, to “Wow! I’m actually doing that!”.

So for 21 days you’ll receive daily emails, recipes, and inspiration to help make this new practice fun and doable. Enter your name and email below to get started.

The online workout community is incredible. There are so many inspiring teachers on YouTube or membership-type services so you’ll never get bored! My favorite part? I can do these in the comfort of my own home (or hotel room, or friend’s house.. you get the picture!).

Erin Stutland / Shrink Session– I love Erin because she’s a believer that movement in your body creates movement in your life. The Shrink Session workouts are short and easy to do absolutely anywhere.

Amanda Russell / Fit, Strong & Sexy – Amanda’s online workouts are not just about exercise, they are about owning your body, your life and being excited to conquer each day. She has SO many different options to choose from, plus a free monthly workout calendar and fitness plan to keep you on track. USE PROMO CODE ‘GOWITHYOURGUT’ FOR $10 OFF ANY WORKOUT PLAN.

Danielle Diamond / Xen Strength – Danielle is all about sweaty, strong, cardio-infused fun. Xen Strength Yoga is a modern twist on yoga that incorporates meditation, yoga and strength training, so you get a little bit of everything with her!

Kristin McGee / Yoga Pilates Fitness – Kristin is your yoga girl without the “om”. Her videos make you feel comfortable with incorporating yoga into your life, even if you are a total beginner or seasoned expert.

One unusual item you’ll always find in my bathroom is a Squatty Potty. Did you know that worldwide, two-thirds of the population still squat to eliminate? Two-thirds! And for a good reason – squatting straightens out the colon and makes it easier to go! This helpful device allows your body to sit in its natural position for relieving your bowels, without heading to the woods and literally popping a squat. Click here to get your Squatty Potty on Amazon!

Probiotic supplements can be a great way to give your body a little backup coverage beyond food.

Here are my two favorite supplements {right now}, but sign up for my newsletter list to stay updated as I’m always doing more research and finding new products I love and trust!

For more of my favorite supplements, products, books, and more, check out my online shop.