December 18, 2024

Your Healthiest You’s Studio Is Available For Rent!

Hi friends and neighbors! I’m looking for someone interested in sharing my amazing office space. It’s a bright and welcoming spot, perfect for focused work, client-facing sessions, or creative projects. Keep reading for more information and feel free to email me ([email protected]) with any questions or to schedule a visit! Thanks for spreading the word!

December 12, 2024

My Latest Self-Care Favorites to Gift (or Keep for Yourself!)

Hey loves! Tis the season of holiday gifting! Truthfully, I have seen sooo many good wellness-focused gift guides out there, and instead of adding another one, I decided to share my super niche and personal favorite items I’ve been loving lately. They just so happen to make great gifts for a loved one, or maybe

November 13, 2024

It’s hard to human, here’s some help…

Hello loves, OMG HAS SH*T BEEN INTENSE LATELY! Phew.  I’m sure you’ve all been feeling it… how could you not? As my meditation teacher always says, “human school is one of the most challenging”, but I trust we all chose it at this very moment in time for a reason. 😉  But since it can


  • 1. Gut Health

    Heal yourself inside and out with beautiful soul food.
  • 2. Gut Intuition

    Hone your internal guidance system so you can learn to trust your gut.
  • 3. Having Guts

    Live boldly, and fiercely. Life’s too short to be a wallflower.
October 15, 2024

Join me, Bobbi Brown, Deepak Chopra, and more!

Calling all wellness/learning junkies! I’m thrilled to invite you to Wellbeing 2024 this coming weekend, a transformative virtual wellness summit hosted by my nutrition school, IIN. Join me and an incredible lineup of experts like Deepak Chopra, MD, Bobbi Brown, and Daniel Amen, MD (honored to be in such good company!).  Mark Your Calendar 🗓️:When:

September 26, 2024

How I Breathe Through Transitions [New Podcast Ep]

Hey loves! How are you!? So many transitions this time of year OMG. Some I’m loving… like the familiar and welcome routine of back-to-school and the transitional fall fashion, and some a little less, like the overwhelming to-dos for the kiddos and very very full days. Mostly through it all I’m doing my best to

    Get My Go-To Guide
    To Journaling

    Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.