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Here is part two of my Spring Lighten Up series! Be sure to read part one here for easy tips on incorporating more raw veggies into your diet this spring.
Cleansing Rituals
I recently ran into one of my dear friends, Todd Spodek. He was coming from the Russian Turkish Bathhouse and had that incredible post spa glow. Todd is a brilliant divorce and criminal defense lawyer (check him out if you ever need a lawyer!) with a demanding day. He told me going to the baths was his ritual every week – his way to flush out the day, figuratively and literally. Check out if your neighborhood has a Japanese or Russian bath house and go for a few hours to sit in the steam rooms. This opens your pores, allows toxins to leave your body and drains out any excess energy that may not be serving you. If you can’t get to the spa you can perform the same ritual in your own bath. Fill the tub with super hot water and add some Epsom or mineral salts. Once in the tub scrub your body vigorously with a small wash cloth. This will increase circulation, get rid of dead skin cells and provide a great practice for getting the gunk out of your body.
Get Out the Gunk
Pick one area in your home that you know needs a little more ‘breathing room’. Pull everything out, clean the space and then make piles. One for what you’re getting rid of, one for what’s going back and another with what you’re unsure of. Work your way through the piles and before you know it you’ll have an area that feels fresh and new. I once read somewhere to always keep an empty drawer in your home. That might be a little too much space for city folks but I mentally love the idea and after my own spring clean, I’m now proud to say that I have my very own empty drawer at home! Try it in your own home and let me know how it feels in the comments below.
Want more spring cleansing tips?
On May 8th, I will be hosting a no-cost call on Ayurveda and seasonal eating so you can cleanse your body and find more clarity and focus. Details and registration will be announced in my newsletter. So sign up here! (and you will get my On-the-Go Guide free)
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.