OMG, how is it Week Six already?? Time. Just. Flies. We have quite a few updates so please read this email in it’s entirety… This week is all about Detoxing, BUT before you jump into the new materials, I want you to take a moment to check in and ask yourself what YOU need this week. The topic of detox is a very personal exploration, and I consider this module more of a bonus versus the core work we’ve done. Kind of like the coconut frosting on a delicious pumpkin chocolate chip cupcake, but not the cupcake itself. We know you all have received a lot of material the past few weeks, so if detox isn’t something you are feeling right now, you have total permission to put these materials aside and come back to it when it feels relevant. We know that the Facebook group has been quieter, and that this is typically the time when people do drop off. I don’t want you to drop off because you feel overwhelmed or “behind” because remember, there is no such thing in this program. You are exactly where you need to be wherever you are at. So this week I want YOU to be your own guru – what does Emily need to focus on this week? Is there a module or topic you want to revisit? Or a something you want to dive into a little bit deeper? You do you, detox or not. And for my friends who DO want to dive into new materials this week, here they are… The Go with Your Gut Detox. This is what to do when you can’t deal with another crash diet or juice cleanse, but feel like your body needs a gentle reset from too many cupcakes or nights out with the girls. Detoxing isn’t just about weight loss (although it can naturally do that too!) – detoxing is about helping our bodies balance and cleanse themselves. This week you can expect to learn: – The foods and supplements that support your body’s natural detox process (aka pooping) Next, download your course materials – The Topics and Tips Guide (where your recipes are!) and Playsheet will support you in making the changes we discuss in the call. – Detox Class Recording MP3 – If you’d prefer to download the file, right click on the audio player and click “Save Audio As.” Then you can choose where you’d like to save the file. Got a question? Email us at [email protected]. Have a great day! |