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Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.
Truth – I was never heavier than when I was eating diet foods.
Why? There’s something you turn on in your brain when you tell your body it can’t have something, when you put yourself on a “diet” and restrict yourself to only a certain type of food. When you start to categorize foods as “good” or “bad,” “healthy” or “off-limits.”
You eat based on what’s “allowed,” or what you think you can get away with, instead of listening to what your body is really hungry for, and you start to lose your natural sense of what and how much YOU need to feel satisfied, nourished and fed.
For years, I would buy the fat-free Entenmann’s danish loaf not necessarily because I liked the taste of it, but because it was marketed in a way that I thought “I can eat a lot of this and still be skinny.”
And then I’d eat the whole damn thing, feel awful about myself, and promise to start my diet for real tomorrow.
Not only were the chemicals in these fake foods messing with my gut bacteria, but the emotional roller coaster I put myself on was messing with my head. I thought there was something wrong with me because I couldn’t just stick with the single serving, I couldn’t just eat less and lose the weight like everyone else.
It was only when I ditched the low fat and sugar-free snacks and started eating real, whole foods that I finally dropped the excess weight my body had been holding on to. I stopped worrying about eating the most food for the least calories and instead focused on making most of my foods those that nourished my gut.
And while I know that deep down our bodies yearn for nourishing, gut-friendly foods, sometimes we need to hit the reset button and clear out months (or years) of poor food choices, to reset our taste buds, AND our way of thinking when it comes to our food.
My Good Gut Reset is a program designed to give you a taste for how to plan your meals in a waist-friendly way, every day. Think of this as the starter program for you and your body to become familiar with the new foods and methods of eating.
This 3-day Reset does not look like a typical weight loss protocol, nor does it taste like one.
“I never felt hungry while on the reset. I never felt deprived or like I was restricting. I felt like I was feeding myself well and felt taken care of.” – Yvonne
Here’s what you can look forward to eating on the Reset:
Power Yogurt Parfait
Matcha! (or coffee, if you prefer it!)
Collard Salad Wraps (shown here with salmon, avocado and mustard). No, these are not scary or hard to make and I promise they’re DELICIOUS.
A little kombucha pick-me-up!
Rule of Five Plate of Greens, Roasted Cauliflower, Chicken (or Tempeh), Avocado and Sauerkraut
And there’s even dessert! My Good Gut Gellies are the perfect “treat” to end your reset day.
Not a meat eater? No problem! There are vegetarian and pescatarian versions of the reset.
I’ll be sending the first email to those signed up this Friday, April 27th (so make sure you order your copy of Thin From Within today!). This email will contain your prep plan (shopping list, recipes, and intention setting exercise). The 3-day food plan portion of the reset starts Monday, April 30th.
If you’re looking to press the reset button and get back in touch with what fuels your beautiful body, I’d love for you to join us. This community reset is 100% free — all you need is a copy of Thin From Within to participate!
Learn more & join us here: 3-Day Spring Reset with Robyn.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.