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It’s holiday shopping time! We’ve got gifts to give so why not make them (or at least some of them!) happy AND healthy?!
Here are some of my favorite Your Healthiest You approved gifts to give this year (and it’s totally okay to gift these to yourself too):
Kettle + Fire Bone Broth – OMG bone broth for ALL! I finally found an amazing company that delivers the best quality bone broth to your home! Bone broth is an essential part of my Go with Your Gut plan and I recommend it to all of my clients, especially those struggling with digestive issues. The collagen that breaks down from the connective tissue of bones simmered to make broth helps heal the lining of the gut – this creates a happier home for healthy bacteria and a much healthier YOU (especially through cold and flu season). Kettle and Fire beef bone broth is a super convenient (and shelf stable aka no fridge needed) homemade-like option. This is sooo good for my gals that aren’t *quite* ready to tackle that whole bringing a giant batch of bones home from the butcher project (yet)! 😉
Use this link for a special $10 off your first order: Kettle + Fire Bone Broth $10 Off
Cast Iron Skillet – Winter is coming which for me means eating way more cooked foods. I love and recommend a solid cast iron skillet because it adds iron to our food (which many of us are low in), lasts forever and even makes food taste better!
Here is a solid one: Lodge Cast Iron Skillet
And a fancier level up: Staub Fry Pan
Rice Cooker – When I think my kitchen staples I couldn’t function without, I think of my rice cooker. Is that weird?! Making big batches of whole grains is a weekly occurrence in my house and there’s no easier way to do it than a rice cooker. It even knows when the grains are done and turns off by itself – that’s magic my friends.
Glass Tupperware Set – Glass is the new plastic. No, but seriously… make the switch! Heat, freeze and store without the risk of harmful chemicals leaching into your food. Plus I think they look tres chic.
Go with Your Gut book – Shameless plug but if you haven’t gotten yourself a copy of my #1 best-selling book, now is the time!! Half high level coaching guide, half cookbook, Go with Your Gut teaches you to make simple meals with minimal ingredients that taste amazing (and that help get rid of bloat and other common digestive issues). Already have your copy and love it? Grab a copy for all of your friends!
What’s on your healthy holiday wish list this year? Let me know! Leave a comment below or share with us all on social media – tag me @RobynYoukilis #YourHealthiestYou so I can see your posts.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.