March 21, 2014


Went for a beautiful run tonight and boy was it an emotional one. I listened to one song on repeat, basically performed it while running (arms flailing and all) and had a good cry. So I made up a new word - the "crun"! Anyone else experience this emo nirvana? Just me? :) Share about your cruns in the comment below and the songs that get you! (Bonus points for sharing the pic around with the hashtags #CRUN and #yourhealthiestyou!)Went for a beautiful run tonight and boy was it an emotional one. I listened to one song on repeat, basically performed it while running (arms flailing and all) and had a good cry. So I made up a new word – the “crun”! Anyone else experience this emo nirvana? Just me? 🙂 Share about your cruns in the comment below and the songs that get you! (Bonus points for sharing the pic around with the hashtags #CRUN and #yourhealthiestyou!)

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