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This is a guest post from the amazing Loni Markman, a Nutrition & Positive Body Coach. Loni’s philosophy is that our bodies know best when it comes to healing itself, all it asks for is the right tools for the job.
With the unofficial start to Summer this weekend, I know many of you are planning your weekend kick off BBQ. Let’s take some time to talk about that love/hate relationship that you may have with those pesky 3 little letters – B.B.Q.
While we love to hang out outside with our friends and family and enjoy the good times, for those trying to watch their weight, BBQ’s can actually create as much stress, overeating, self-sabotage and guilt overload the size of a Thanksgiving spread. After all it is bathing suit season and the anxiety that surfaces when you don’t live in a body you love can be brutal.
So, let’s reframe what B.B.Q. means:
For now on I want you to think B.B.Q. stands for “BUY BETTER QUALITY”
Because quality counts!! Your taste buds prefer it. Your waistline will thank you.
Matter of fact, when it comes to losing weight, a new study from Harvard University found that the number of calories consumed is not necessarily as important as the QUALITY of those calories.
Quality food will have more antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and all those good-for-you nutrients that your body needs. It also reduces your exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and antibiotics. Who can argue with that?!?!??
Check out these 10 tips to help you increase the quality of your Memorial Day BBQ.
Hope this list helps you feel confident entering into BBQ season. Please know I am here if you have any questions or want to set up a time to chat about your specific nutrition and health goals.
Have an awesome holiday weekend and BE SAFE!
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.