April 3, 2014

One sentence that will forever change your relationship with food [Video interview]

Most of us don’t have tons of free time every day to devote to meditation or yoga. Sometimes it’s even a challenge to squeeze a 20-minute walk into a super busy workday.  Despite this, we want to live a life full of fulfillment and purpose.

I recently sat down and interviewed my good friend Gabrielle Bernstein to discuss this very thing.

Are you curious to know how a blocked digestive system can create a blocked life? Want to know what one little statement can do to help you eat better?


Check out our chat below and learn:

– how practicing just one of the techniques Gabby mentions can create serenity in your day,

– why you don’t have to attend yoga class every day to live a serene life, and

– how tiny mind shifts can affect your entire life.

True to our promise, we’re answering your questions in the comments, so be sure to post those below and give us your best questions, thoughts or comments on the video or Gabby’s new book.

In Miracles Now, Gabrielle handpicked 108 of her favorite tools and lessons from personal growth, spirituality, and Kundalini yoga to share. You can read the book cover to cover, open it a random lesson any time you need a miracle, and turn to it time and time again. Click below to grab your copy!

Grab your copy of Miracles Now here.

Also, if you’re in the LA or NY area, Gabby is hosting a few fabulous launch parties! You can get all the deets here. I’ll even be speaking at the LA event!

Happy miracles!



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