October 21, 2015

Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Juice Book Launch

What a lovely and inspiring evening with my empowering friends on and off the stage. My fave quote - "If you're not pooping you're not really healthy." - @crazysexykris PREACH WOMAN! My book #gowithyourgutbook cannot come fast enough!! #crazysexyjuice #spiritjunkie #marieforleo #greenjuice #makejuicenotwar #kriscarr /// {PS just two hours left for pay-what-you-can Rockstar Birthday! All info in clickable link in bio above!}What a lovely and inspiring evening with my empowering friends on and off the stage. My fave quote – “If you’re not pooping you’re not really healthy.” – Kris Carr PREACH WOMAN! My book Go with Your Gut cannot come fast enough!!

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