The wellness world has become quite a “thing” since I began my own professional journey over 8 years ago. The cool part is that we’ve been all looking to up our mojo in ways that feel good for our bodies, our brains, and our hearts.
This is great! But it can also be kind of overwhelming in its own right. With so many self-care and self-development options to choose from, sometimes I find myself wondering “Does this even work?”
- Does my morning meditation practice actually make me feel calmer throughout the day?
- Does lemon and ginger tea REALLY help with belly bloat?
- Does my B12 supplement actually give me a boost in energy?
If you’ve been following me on Instagram {and if you’re not, come hang out!!}, you may know that I was just in Hawaii for almost 2 weeks. I was there for a super special training that I’ve been a part of for over a year now: Universal Health Principles (UHP) with my friend and long time coach, Laura Hames Franklin.
Although I’ve seen and felt the shifts that UHP sessions can initiate, this work is still something I resist. It’s what goes on the back burner when my schedule gets full, and it’s what I often forget to turn to when things aren’t all unicorn lattes and epic kale salads.
As you might remember, right before this trip my husband, Scott, and I flew out to LA for the weekend for Coachella. Between the red eye flights, the stress of travel, leaving Navy, and the time changes, I was a hot mess. I wasn’t sleeping, and was feeling generally unsettled and unlike myself. On one of our first nights in Hawaii, I received a UHP session from Jess. After just a 30 minute session, I felt better and I slept so well that night (and for the record, every night since then).
This is just one example of how restorative and powerful these sessions can be, and a reminder for me that yes, this seemingly woo-woo stuff does work. At least it does for me in this moment.
So what exactly is Universal Health Principles (UHP)?
Universal Health Principles (UHP) is a 2-year certification program where I’m learning a new system of mind-body healing. I’ve been working with Laura and doing UHP sessions with her (both through her group program, Wholly Shift, and one-on-one) for the past few years and I can honestly say that this work has supported me in becoming my best self again and again.
Instead of working with the brain and conscious mind (eat this, do this workout, take this supplement, etc), in UHP we work with the body and subconscious mind, uncovering belief systems and thought patterns that may be holding you back from becoming your next level of you.
Learn more about the UHP training here! {and let me know if you want to chat about it!}
Aside from being there as a part of this epic training, here are some of my highlights from my trip:
- The super fresh local food – We received the most amazing fresh produce from local farms. Laura is the creator of the Superhuman Breakfast you may have seen me post about, so we were literally swimming in dark leafy greens, local purple sweet potatoes, homemade sauerkraut, fresh eggs and more. Oh, and the AVOCADOS! You guys!! All other avocados may be spoiled for me after eating the most amazing, buttery avocados in Hawaii. Maybe.
- Watching Navy grow – It was Navy who learned and changed the most on this trip. There are a few other mamas with little ones in this group and we all shared a house during the UHP retreat. I saw Navy interact with the other kids – not only did she begin to walk, she started to assert herself and morphed from my baby into a full toddler, seemingly overnight. It blew our minds.
- Receiving UHP sessions – While I’m still a part of Laura’s group program, Wholly Shift, I’m not always able to show up for the weekly calls, and as a result, I haven’t been receiving regular UHP sessions. Receiving regular UHP sessions during our 10 day retreat restored me and made me realize how important it is for me to include these sessions are part of my regular self-care practice.
It would not be an exaggeration to say this portion of the training in particular healed a part of my soul.
And while the training was incredible and Hawaii was amazing, where I really feel I learned the most was how I landed back in NYC. Often times after traveling, coming home can feel like a let down, like life doesn’t measure up to the adventure.
Much to my shock, it’s actually been really nice being back from my travels. Everything is green, the breeze feels nice on my face, and I’ve been focusing on all the things that make me feel good (my food, my workouts, my routines). Maybe it’s the UHP sessions working their “magic” again here 😉
Click here to learn more about Universal Health Principles and if this work and this training might be right for you.
And if you are interested in working with Laura in any capacity, I want to connect with you personally. Email me at [email protected] and I’ll be in touch!