January 30, 2018

Finding Support Online

As my business has grown rapidly over the past few years, I’ve come to realize just how important having the right support is. Sure, it’s key to have people on your team that you trust and have fun working with, but I’ve found it’s just as important, if not more so, to have a different level of support colleagues. Badass boss ladies and men that inspire me and hold a higher vision for me, my business and my work.

And this isn’t just true for business owners, it’s true for ALL of us.

I’ve been in this health and wellness world for almost a decade (still blows my mind to write that!), and I’ve met some seriously incredible women business owners. Especially as I’ve introduced new programs, signed new contracts and stepped into new roles, it’s become such a comfort to reach out to these other boss ladies for support.

One of those truly exceptional people is Diane Sanfilippo.

Diane and I “met” via Instagram but we just immediately connected on a deep, personal level. I’ve always seen her as an inspiration, and she’s become one of those people I lean into for support with my business — and with my life.

Do you have one of those people in your life?

Most of the time when I’m working through something, I don’t need advice per se, I just need someone to listen to me, to hold space while I figure it out on my own. Diane is someone I can go to when I need a laugh or have an idea I need to work through, but she’s also someone I trust for straight up advice in the times when I need it. Seriously, you should see our direct messages on Instagram – they range from sharing LOL memes to feedback over the title of my new book.

There’s a lot of negative talk about social media – how it can lead us into the compare-despair trap, how it doesn’t give an accurate picture of anyone’s life, and don’t get me started on the bots and fake accounts. This all has truth, but in my experience social media can be an amazing place to connect with like-minded people and find support.

Not only did I connect with Diane through Instagram, I’ve had many of my current coaching clients find my programs and get to know me through IG and my Instagram stories.

My advice and big tip for today with social media: Keep checking in with what feels supportive of you. There are platforms and accounts out there that can lift you up and improve your life, but there are also situations and individuals that won’t. There’s no formula or algorithm, so expect to keep tuning into your gut — it will guide you to those people, groups, and places that are in your highest and best good.

We’re not all lucky enough to meet a fabulous friend online and have that crossover to real-life friendship. I am thankful that this not only happened with Diane and me but that we’ve been able to hang out together — both personally and professionally.

Final Thought: Online or offline, your support system is what helps you be able to be you.


Robyn & Diane

PS: If you’re in the Pacific Northwest, Diane and I will be there for a dual book-signing event Feb 9-11! Check out all the details here! We’d love to meet you in real life too 🙂


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