March 6, 2018

How I Built My Health Coaching Business

I am a boss business babe. And today I’m owning that title.

Only took me 9 years…

While I’ve been running a successful health coaching business for almost a decade, it’s only been in the past year that I’ve really owned the fact that I am a business owner. And while my bio says that I’m a coach, speaker, author, and wellness expert, it’s really missing a big piece of who I am and what I do.

I’m a business owner. An entrepreneur. A manager. A marketer. An employer. A leader.

And you know what’s interesting? One of the most common questions I’ve received since the launch of my new book is not about weight loss or gut health or loving your body. It’s something like this:

Hi Robyn!

I just wanted to send you a message to let you know how much I’m enjoying your new book! I’ve been following you (and Navy! what a cutie!) for awhile now, and you inspire me daily.

It’s so inspiring to see you living a life you’re so passionate about. Right now, I’m in a 9-5 job and while I know this isn’t for me long term, I’m just not sure what I want to do, or how to start.

How did you get to where you are today? What got you started and (if you don’t mind me asking) what would you say led you to success? I’d so appreciate any advice!

Your fan and Instagram friend,

As many of you may know, my journey really started when I enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Training Program, but that was only the beginning.
I owe my success not just to IIN, but also to my gut – it’s been my guide throughout my business evolution, and it’s still what I go back to again and again.

I’ve had so many of you reach out with questions about IIN’s program and how I took what I learned in the program and built a business that’s still thriving many, many years later that I decided to host a LIVE online webinar where I share my FULL business story (including some very specific behind the scenes details that I haven’t shared anywhere else).


GO WITH YOUR GUT for Business Success
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

This FREE webinar is for you if:

  • You’re on the fence about enrolling in IIN. You’ve signed up for IIN’s Free Sample Class or Curriculum Guide but are still on the fence about enrolling. You’re not TOTALLY sure if this program is legit, and/or if it’s for you, right now.

  • You’re a health and wellness junkie curious about making this passion a career. You LOVE all things health and wellness. You spend your free time blogging or going to yoga or whipping up healthy recipes in your kitchen. Maybe you even coach or teach something on the side, but you have a full-time job (being a parent counts as a job!) and you’re not sure if this dream is even possible.

  • You’re feeling stuck in your current job/life situation. You love healthy food and self-development but aren’t sure if it’s a career for you. You know something in your life needs to change, but you’re not sure what. You’ve thought about IIN or a similar program but can’t justify the time and money commitment given the fact that you’re not even certain this is the change you need.

Register here: Go with Your Gut for Business Success

During this online class you’ll learn:

  • How I decided that IIN was the right program for me, and how I continue to make important business (and life!) decisions to this day.
  • The career opportunities available to you as a certified health coach, and the different (and creative) ways I’ve made money as a coach over the past decade.
  • My #1 recommendation for anyone considering a career in health, wellness or personal development.

Here’s that link to register again: Go With Your Gut for Business Success registration.

Whether you’ve been considering a career in health and wellness for a while now, or you’re totally new to this whole health coaching thing, if your gut is telling you YES – go with it! What do you have to lose? More importantly, what do you have to gain?

Register for the class here!

See you there!

PS. Already enrolled (or already graduated) from IIN? You may still be interested in joining the webinar as I’ll be sharing some specific build-your-business advice 🙂

Get My Go-To Guide
To Journaling

Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.