August 8, 2013

How is Your Virtual Vacation?

VirtualVacay-roadI am thrilled to hear about your incredible journeys that you are taking on your #YHYVirtualVacation!

When I decided to start a Virtual Vacation, I knew that I wasn’t the only person out there that needed to get back to basics and find what I loved doing again.  Sometimes we just get caught up in everyday life and we forget to say “no” when we feel overwhelmed and feel like we must say yes to everything.  Or when we put off meditating or working out because we don’t “have time” to devote to those much needed practices that help us keep our sanity in this crazy, face-paced world.

Katie at the Wellness Wonderland recently wrote about and shared her promise list that she created for her Day 1 task.  I love the self-love she is putting forth to make the most of this 10 day challenge.  Her promise list consists of more feeling and less doing, more self love and self care, less stress and worries.  You can check out her blog post about her experience with #YHYVirtualVacation here.

How are you spending your virtual vacation?  Have you made your promise list?  Don’t forget to share your adventures on your blog, Facebook, Twitter or comments below with the hashtag #YHYVirtualVacation to be entered to win these incredible prizes.

And now I’d love to hear from you!  Tell me your favorite part of the virtual vacation or anything else you’d like to share in the comments below!

Sign up to join us on a free virtual vacation:

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