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My Navy girl turned 3 yesterday. As I shared on Instagram, I don’t quite have words to describe her or how it’s felt to be her mom.
I know she is my child but she still feels of another world to me, which is exactly how I felt 3 years ago when she was born. Like she was “mine” but not mine.
Like I’m just here to guide her and allow her to become whatever she’s meant to be in this world. And to partake in her joy, and learn a whole lot about myself along the way.
Motherhood has it’s joys and challenges, but it’s also opened up so many opportunities for me to learn more about the human body, mostly the female body and the magic that happens during pregnancy and beyond, and to share what I’m learning with you all.
A few months ago I was asked to write an article about my experience with extended breastfeeding. It’s interesting because at about that same time both Navy beans and I felt that our breastfeeding time was coming to a close.
While I’m starting to share more about #momlife on my Instagram account, it’s not my first area of expertise (that would be diet, digestion and all things healthy eating and living). But the more I thought back on my experience the last few years, the more I remembered how little information there is available on extended breastfeeding.
Writing this piece was such a sweet way to reflect on our breastfeeding journey, and I thought sharing it here today felt right as Navy steps into her next level as a brand new 3-year-old.
Head over to (formerly WellRounded) for the full share on my breastfeeding experience.
Whether you’re currently breastfeeding, an expecting mama, or neither, I’d love to hear from you. Did something that I share resonate, or was there a piece of my story you found surprising? Hit reply to this email and let me know.
PS. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being so sweet and supportive of Navy and my journey through mamahood. If you’d like to leave a birthday message for Navy, feel free to comment on this Instagram post and I’ll make sure she gets it 🙂
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.