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How many times have you said, “I really want to…”
Or, “It would be so awesome if I could…”
It may seem cliche, but dreams really do come true. My friend Jenny Sansouci at Healthy Crush and I even have a social media hashtag for #dreamscometrue, that’s how much we believe that they do.
A couple of years ago I was lucky to meet Kelsey Nixon of Food Network and Cooking Channel fame at a cookbook event and I shared my dream that I wanted a TV show where I could share all my healthy living goodies with her. Now, that’s not just a dream, but that’s a pretty far-fetched dream.
Didn’t matter. I knew that’s what I wanted. I put it out into the universe and I worked to make it happen.
Today I am living my dream as a host on Veria Living’s daytime talk show The Juice. I get to share what I love with all of you and I am thankful for it each and every day.
Now I’d like to share a few of my favorite clips from some rad recent episodes. I hope they inspire you and your dreams (or at least your kitchen skills!):
Dazzle Your Next Potluck Party – Kabobs are a summertime staple. Check out this tasty {and healthy} teriyaki version! You’ll be the hit of the potluck!
4 Quick & Easy Healthy Summer Recipes – Who doesn’t love a refreshing, easy, healthy summer supper? Chef Danny Boome stopped by to prep some light summer treats!
Number One Food to Boost Your Immune System – Another great one with Chef Danny Boome – he’s sharing his best food for boosting your immune system. Bonus points if you grab my complimentary Immunity Guide. Nobody likes a summer cold!
It’s your turn! Let me know what your dream is in the comments below; put it out into the universe and let’s figure out how to get you there!
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.