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To Journaling
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.
Thank you so much for the positive response and excitement around my new Your Year coaching program. I’m so excited to dive deep with the ladies who have said YES to this program for 2019.
As a business owner, I spend a lot of time planning, scheduling, creating, writing, marketing, sharing, etc. This is a part of the job and a part that I do enjoy, but I’m very much looking forward to stepping into a season more focused on coaching, teaching and supporting. It’s in this role that my gifts and experience shine, and it’s my WHY.
As we mentioned in the emails the past two weeks, we only had 1 spot for Your Your, so we ended up with quite a lot of applications for my amazing group coaching program, the Rockstar Coaching Collective.
We never officially announced that we were opening up spots in Rockstar, so I wanted to send this email since I didn’t want you to miss out on this opportunity to work with me.
We’ll be keeping the application open through the weekend, so if Rockstar is something you’ve been interested in for a while, or your curious to learn more, click here to check out the program page and apply: The Rockstar Coaching Collective
We may not have space in the current cycle as Emily from my team is already interviewing applicants for the spots, but if you get your application in now you’ll be one of the first considered for next time we open the program.
Watch testimonials from past + present members (don’t miss Kalee’s in particular!)
Check out a sneak peak of the weekly calls (scroll down on program page)
We’ll be in touch if we have space, or when we’re welcoming clients into that program again.
FYI – Next week Team Your Healthiest You will be taking a “spring break” from our regular newsletters, but we’ll be back the week after to kick off a fun new series. If you miss me, just head on over to Instagram as I’ll definitely be sharing lots there as I prepare to head to LA for a few weeks (it’s Coachella season baby!!!).
As always, thank you for being here and being a part of this community. Even if we don’t work together in an official coaching capacity, I love hanging out with you and being your coach through these emails and on social media.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.