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I recently went to visit my mama who flew south for a couple of months this winter to Florida. We had a great time and she was excited to see me, but she was even more excited that I was restocking all of her supplements! I even enlisted her help to film this reel lol, how did she do?
I recently started taking one that she’s been taking for years based on some pretty eye-opening research. Something I didn’t think I would need until way later in life – calcium!
Did you know that nearly 75% of Americans don’t get enough calcium in their diet? And nearly 1 in 4 women develop osteoporosis after 65. This is largely due to dietary factors, changes in nutrient content (our soil has seriously declined), and digestive issues. While most of us know the importance of calcium for bone health, it also helps with blood pressure, hormone regulation and nerve transmission. Soooo many things.
Here are some ways to get some extra calcium:
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.