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To Journaling
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.
Wow! After a week of the Good Gut Reset and leading my Rockstar Collective retreat last weekend, I am feeling incredible and so grateful. Yes – my body feels great, but more importantly, I’m feeling more connected to my intuition, and a movement and purpose much bigger than myself.
This all led to some pretty big insights but also to the decision to open enrollment in a very special coaching program. More on that below!
This Reset was about learning how to meal prep and eat gut-healing foods, but it was about so much more than just food. Like with everything I teach, the food is just a layer of learning to listen to your intuition and take care of yourself on a deep level.
I had a few “aha” personal moments during the Reset:
When I listen to and trust my body, I am clear about the exact foods, workouts, and life choices I need to make in each moment.
You can experience that, too, when you go deeper and connect to your intuition.
Your intuition the part of you that knows what foods to eat, and how much of those foods, in each and every moment. This is what takes the power away from the birthday cake, the 3rd glass of wine, whatever food you’re trying to muscle yourself out of eating. This is the tool that brings it back to you. Checking in, again and again, and again.
If you want to stop feeling so unsure about your diet choices, you need to learn to LISTEN to your own intuitive voice.
We’re taught that everything we need is outside of us, that this [insert diet or supplement or plan] will be the thing that fixes me, and ultimately make me happy. While this may work for some people in the short term, it doesn’t work in the long term.
Sure, you can learn the healthified recipes, the mindful eating tools, and the tricks, but this will never become a part of you until you learn to listen to your own body, to connect to your own inner guru, your intuition.
I want to teach you exactly that.
I want to teach you how YOU can be your greatest asset and your own best influence.
Imagine if you could just know:
Imagine how much lighter you would feel, in body and mind.
So how do you get there, especially with everything else you’ve got in your already overfull inbox, text message threads, and on your plate?
I’ve built a space where you can get all the nerdy must-know health info and support you need to find that intuitive voice that is inside somewhere so that you can finally feel clear on what choices are best for your body, and for your life.
Don’t wait any longer tinkering around with different diets and driving yourself insane. You’re way too smart for that.
It’s time to get a handle on your health in an easy, doable, and supportive way.
We can’t do it alone. Every successful client of mine has said they would NOT have been able to succeed without my support. And now you can have it too, through my online coaching program: Your Healthiest You.
I wasn’t planning on opening this program again but my personal aha moments from the Reset, I knew this was something we all are craving. An opportunity to connect, to learn and to breathe together. A space to continue that journey to your brightest, happiest version of YOU.
So what are you waiting for?
Now is the time for Your Healthiest You. Let’s do this, together.
My intention is for you to powerfully move into this person you KNOW you are. And I’d love to have the honor of guiding you there through this 6-week program.
Thanks for listening. I can’t wait to talk more with you over here!
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.