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Hi and Happy New Year!!
While the only thing separating 2018 and 2019 is a few hours, it still feels like a good time for a fresh start. To make new commitments, to revisit goals and intentions, and to re-evaluate what you want to say YES to in the year to come.
Today I’m sharing a few of my favorite new year posts. These are tips I’ve shared over the years on how to best utilize the energy and momentum of this time of year and I thought it would be helpful to have them all in one place.
Photo: Caitlin Mitchell Studio
Robyn’s New Year Blog Post Round Up:
And because all these inspirational posts are GREAT but sometimes you just need a few healthy recipes to reset after the holidays, here are some of my favorites.
Robyn’s New Year Reset Recipes:
Craving a deeper reset? Try the 3 day Good Gut Reset from my second book, Thin From Within! This reset is complete with a shopping list, meal plan and journaling exercises -find it in Chapter 4 of Thin From Within.
If you read one of the throwback blog posts or make a recipe, I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment on the blog post and let me know what resonated with you or how you liked the recipe! And of course feel free to share any of them on social media and just tag me @robynyoukilis.
Wishing you the most beautiful, connected and inspired year ahead,
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.