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With book deadlines coming up, I’ve been relying on no-fuss recipes for dinner. This meal took 3 minutes of hands-on prep time!
When roasting smallish veggies that easily soften I’ll just throw the whole puppy in the oven with some coconut oil, salt and pepper and that’s it! Veggies in zee bowl tonight – Japanese eggplant, peppers and tomatoes. Served with tahini dressing I made earlier in the week and fresh parsley and tarragon (my obsession of late) and you have a yummy, homemade meal with no knife skills needed!
On Periscope? I made a video documenting this dinner! Catch it before it expires tonight by heading to Periscope and searching my name!
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.