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Self-care: it’s something I keep coming back to again and again and here’s why: how you show up for yourself is how you show up for the world.
While I knew this before, pregnancy has taught me that self-care is really a non-negotiable. I must rest, I must eat well, I must move my body and send it love. I must make time for me, no matter what is going on with my business, my family, with the world.
So how do you set yourself up for self-love success? How do we clear space, both in our calendars and in our minds, to do those things that allow us to fully show up in the best way possible in all other parts of our lives?
Here are my three tips for building your own self-care practice:
Especially with my book baby entering the world week this week at my official book launch party on Thursday, it seems like my to-do list is endless, but I know I am no good to anyone else if I don’t listen to what I know I need to do for myself. I’ll be following my own advice this week and slowing down and taking extra time to rest, so that when all these exciting things do happen, I’m able to be present and fully appreciate the moment. That is the gift of self-care I want for all of you.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.