June 22, 2015

Whole Brined Veggies [Recipe]

Whole Brined Vegetables

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  • Radishes, greet beans, beets, cauliflower, zucchini, summer squash, heirloom carrots, etc
  • Large mason jar
  • Sea salt
  • Filtered Water
  • Herbs & Spices – peppercorns, lemon, dill, mustard seeds, ginger, etc



  1. Mix salt with water until it dissolves (3 tbsp. per quart of liquid).
  2. Pack your mason jar full with vegetables, herbs and spices – you don’t even need to worry about washing!
  3. Add water until veggies are completely submerged.
  4. Seal and keep in a cool, dark place for 6-8 days. The time it takes is dependent on the taste you want.
  5. Move to fridge, and enjoy!

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