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To Journaling
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Hi my Your Healthiest You family!
I just returned from an incredible nutrition intensive week at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. I can’t wait to start sharing all the delicious nuggets of wisdom I received there. What a beautiful, inspiring and informative week it was.
And returning from the Berkshires to one of my favorite holidays? Not too bad at all 🙂
I know this holiday can be a major source of stress for many of you; family, food, healthy eating habits you’ve worked so hard to maintain. It seems that the holiday week streak we’re entering was designed to put 10 lbs on you.
But guess what? They’re not. You know why? Because this year you are going to enjoy with abandon. Not worry about a “diet” or way of eating or how you’ll look tomorrow.
And why is that? Why is this year going to be different?
Because you’re going to savor every damn bite.
You’re going to chew slowly and thoughtfully (till it’s liquid!). Enjoy the company of those around you. Love your mom’s cranberry sauce and debate whether you like the new stuffing recipe (last year’s classic was probably better).
Because that’s what the holidays are about.
So have a very wonderful Thanksgiving and remember if all else fails, Just Put the F*cking Turkey in the Oven.
Lots of holiday love,
PS Don’t forget that Robyn’s Cooking Club is next week! Join us on Thursday November 29th! As part of my support of the victims of Sandy I will be donating $10 for every participant.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.