October 31, 2012

Want to See What I Eat?

One of the biggest questions I get asked is, “what do YOU eat?”. I’m happy to say that at this point in my life, a lot of really good things. And a TON of vegetables.

In this video I shot for my cooking show {Healthy} Cooking Camp, I show how I live a balanced life while on-the-go, and dish out one of my best pieces of advice, eat healthy food that makes you feel great 80% of the time. The rest? Whatever you want!

Go ahead and tweet that!

I also highlight some of my favorite beverages and foods like a caffeinated tea on par with coffee that won’t give you the jitters, and an amazing grab-n-go bar you can keep in your bag for a much needed boost of energy.

Screenshot 2015-07-26 at 5.00.51 PM - Edited


PS. Also want a peek into my fridge? Read this.

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