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Can you believe it’s almost July? It feels like this year has gone by so fast! As we enter the hottest months of the summer (up here in the Northern Hemisphere!), I always anticipate the herd heading my way to ask, “How can I possibly stay my healthiest me during summer party season?!” That’s why I wanted to reshare one of my favorite blog posts: A Better BBQ. You’ll find my favorite tips, as well as an amazing caraway cabbage ‘slaw recipe!
In the post I mention one of the best ways to ensure you’re eating well is to bring your own dish or two (they don’t even have to be homemade necessarily!). We can often find a lean protein to eat in a pinch, but summertime sides (and beverages!) are a whole other story. Potato salad, pina coladas, chips and dip… oh my! Instead, here are a few perfect summertime staples:
Hope my fellow Americans have a wonderful Fourth of July, and everyone else can head to (and from!) their next BBQ feeling hot, happy and healthy! Let me know your favorite healthified barbecue recipes in the comments below, or over here on my Facebook page.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.