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Today is a special day for Jewish people across the world, myself included, as we celebrate Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year. It’s a time to stop everything in our lives to reflect on the past year, contemplate the coming year and enjoy precious time with family while eating apples and honey, which represent all that is sweet in our lives (in addition to being absolutely delicious).
Speaking of apples and honey, Rosh Hashana has me thinking. How can we truly add more sweetness to our lives without the actual unhealthy treats? Since so many of us struggle with sweet cravings and want to make healthier choices, I have a small task for you: make a list of all the ways you can sweeten your life without involving food (and these ideas have to make you feel as yummy as homemade rugelach or a slice of birthday cake). Then check this list anytime you’re looking for a sugary sweet treat and see if one of these will satisfy instead (at least some of the time ;).
Here’s my “Sweet List”:
A bath. With a candle. With a book. With the sea salts. All the really good stuff.
Ballet. It’s my new thing. Don’t judge (I’ll report more later ;).
Taking my lunch and eating it on the stoop across the street with my face in the sun. Gosh I love that.
What’s on your list? Share in the comments below!
Oh, one more thing! I saw this on my Instagram feed and had to share! My mom has always made challah from scratch (a sweet traditional egg bread) for Shabbat and the Jewish holidays but sadly it doesn’t quite match my holistic lifestyle so much anymore. Sure, I’ll still have a slice here and there, but when I saw this recipe for grain-free challah I nearly fell over. Let me know if you make it and how it turns out!
Wishing you all a very sweet year.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.