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To Journaling
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I’m doing a little dance!
Why? Because Memorial Day weekend is finally here, which means summer fun can officially begin!
I love it all: endless hours of sunshine, beautiful leafy green trees everywhere, light and easy salads for dinner, it’s all so delicious.
But with summer comes bathing suits…and endless BBQs and pies…and snacking on chips during long weekend afternoons…and then the food coma on Monday…and then the cravings start…and before you know it your “once in a while” ice cream treat becomes a nightly must-have or you’ll DIE.
Sound familiar?
When it comes to feeding our bodies as naturally as possible and taking supreme care of ourselves, weekends (especially holiday weekends) can often be a bust. We spend all week being so “good”, eating our dark leafy greens, going to bed at a reasonable time, etc., only to toss it all out for an indulgent weekend food (and booze!) fest.
Sick of the cycle of sabotage and struggling through the beginning of your week?
Here are 3 tips to help you have the best (food) time possible this weekend:
1. Decide what your weekend is going to look like before it starts.
Do you need your weekend to reboot and eat healthfully? Or do you want to indulge at the fancy Saturday night restaurant and eat to your heart’s desire? A healthy mix of both? Either way, decide on Friday what your weekend will look like and stick to it. Beginning your weekend with a game plan will make it that much easier.
2. Make one easy, healthy recipe.
I know, you’re out playing but hang on! If you have one delicious, light dish in the fridge you’ll be much more likely to eat that instead of ordering in a bagel, egg, and cheese for the second morning in a row. This salad is a great option, it’s super satisfying and will stay yummy for the whole weekend.
3. Try this secret supplement.
Weekend indulgences used to put my healthy eating habits out of whack for what felt like weeks on end. When I take this supplement after an indulgent meal I never wake up with cravings nor the dreaded belly bloat. Best. Thing. EVER! What’s my secret weapon supplement? Well, that’s the goods reserved only for my Rockstars. 😉
If you’re getting my emails (Yay! So happy you’re here!) you’ve probably heard about The Rockstar Roadmap, my 6 week program designed for awesome and busy as f*ck people who want to make this whole nutrition thing happen (i.e. learn what to cook on regular weeknights when you have zero energy, how to recognize when you’re full, what you need to eat to not feel bloated after every meal, the list goes on!).
The program starts next week and I don’t want you to miss out!
To get your cute bootie moving, I’m offering an awesome special for the next 5 people that register: A bonus coaching call with me, PLUS I will personally mail you the secret supplement mentioned above in Tip #3. Yup! It will be on it’s way to you, maybe even in time for next weekend. 🙂
The community of Rockstars is growing and now is your chance to join us on the journey to getting and staying healthy.
Get all the details and enroll here!
If you have any questions about the program or wonder if it is the right fit for you, reply to this email and ask away.
Have a great weekend!
PS Did you miss the Rockstar Q & A call Tuesday night? I’ve got the recording up for you with a VERY special bonus you don’t want to miss but it’s only available for a limited time! Click here to grab the quick recording and your rockin’ bonus.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.