December 20, 2012

Feeling Stressed From Holiday Shopping? My Gift Guide has got you Covered!

So much shopping to do, so little time. Sometimes running around town trying to find the perfect gifts can be more stressful than trying not to eat your 10th snowflake cookie! To help you through all the holiday happenings in your life I’m including a list of a few of my favorite healthy holiday gifts PLUS lists from some of my favorite bloggers!

One quick eating tip – make sure to have a favorite soup or stew ready to eat in the refrigerator. We usually get home later than planned (impromptu stops at the shopping markets, a holiday party, subway or traffic delays etc.), and we arrive home famished and ready to make some less than stellar choices. Grab the recipe for my recent soup obsession, Creamy Winter Vegetable Soup with Cinnamon Spice featured on my friend and colleague’s blog today, Lemon Stripes!

Happy {healthy} holidays!



P.S. Be sure to grab my Your Healthiest you healthy holiday offer on the list, back by special request!



Your Healthiest You Healthy Holidays Shopping Guide

Rock the Kitchen: An Online Cooking Program

{Healthy} Cooking Camp’s online cooking program “Rock the Kitchen: is officially for sale and guess what, it makes an incredible gift! Each training module includes cooking videos, recipes, handouts, bonus videos and more. Perfect for that chef in training in your life.

Purely Elizabeth

I make it no secret that I’m totally in love with Purely Elizabeth’s delicious granolas and baking mixes. She offers some fun holiday sets that make a great gift

Sprout Skincare

This line of organic skincare is so natural you could literally eat it! With chic packaging and yummy flavors it would be a great gift for that healthy hottie in your life.

Fine & Raw Chocolate

My absolute favorite raw chocolate line, smooth, creamy and totally delicious. This Brooklyn-based company comes in beautiful packages perfect for holiday gift-giving. I’m personally a fan of their short, chunky almond bars.

Health Coaching Sessions with yours truly

I’ve received so many requests to bring back my special holiday offering that I couldn’t say no! This year you can gift a loved one (or yourself) 2 health coaching sessions at the very special rate of $347. For more information and to purchase this one time offer email me! (Note this package is for first-time clients only and is available for purchase until Jan 1, 2013.)

And here are a few additional gift guides from some of my favorite bloggers:

{Healthy} Cooking Camp’s Holiday Gift Guide – Eager to make something homemade this year but lack the kitchen skillz? We include some of our easiest edibles in this short, fun video.

The Healthy Apple – An extensive list of all things gluten-free and glorious

Healthy Crush – Jenny includes a bunch of categories for holiday gift giving including books and big ticket items (hello Vitamix!)

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