your co-worker would stop bringing in cookies/muffins/insert baked goods
it wasn’t always someone’s birthday at the office
there wasn’t free bagels on Fridays
you didn’t walk by the newest coolest vegan/gluten-free bakery every other day
your husband/boyfriend/partner didn’t want ice cream at night
it wasn’t Halloween today!!! 🙂
Any of this sound familiar? Yup. Sugar cravings. Even when you have the best intentions it seems like outside forces are there to get you at every turn.
Here’s what to do when the sugary treats are coming from those around you:
Keep a healthy treat around that you actually love. When a cupcake is being shoved in our faces there is no chance that all natural fruit leather is going to win. Find something you love and keep some around for these types of occasions. Some options include Medjool dates dipped in almond butter, a naturally sweetened hard candy (like these) or some high quality and high cacao percentage (80 or higher ideally) dark chocolate (the ones with sea salt are my fav!).
Practice this simple and powerful sentence – “No thank you, I’m good!”. We forget that we can simply say no thank you, even if we don’t believe it. Just saying no activates the part of you that can quickly remember, “Oh yea, I don’t need to eat everything every time it’s presented to me”. There’s power in such a simple statement. (Tweet that!)
Eat something else first. This one is an oldie but a goodie. If I really want something I’ll often eat an entire cucumber first. If I still really want it after that cucumber I’ll have it (and know that I’m helping to balance it out!). If you’re at a restaurant, ask for fruit and then see if you still want the other desserts being passed around. Often you won’t or you’ll eat waaay less than you would’ve without the fruit.
Feeling like you need to dive a little deeper into cravings? In my virtual health coaching program The Rockstar Roadmap, we will be devoting an entire week to cravings where you’ll learn…
why cravings aren’t the enemy (they just feel that way!)
what your body is really asking for in that double chocolate chunk cookie
how to manage your insatiable appetite for things that no longer serve you, your body or how you want to be eating
what natural sweeteners to buy and which ones are likely sabotaging your diet (this tip is EVERYTHING)
We all want a sense of control around food and after this module in The Rockstar Roadmap program, you’ll know exactly how to conquer your cravings, for good.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.