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Last week I shared about my newest coaching offering Your Year – a very special, very immersive new way to work with me.
Your Year is not for everyone. It’s an intensive program (in all the best ways!) and is absolutely both a financial and energetic investment.
That being said, if it’s right for you, it’s RIGHT. Today I want to share who exactly this program is for (ie who I had in mind when I was creating it!) and go over what specifically is included in this coaching experience.
I’m also sharing two other coaching opportunities if Your Year doesn’t feel like a right fit, right now.
The longer I’m in business, the more I want to go deep with my clients. Sure it’s great to work with someone for a few months and support them in losing emotional weight, or launching their coaching business, or starting to shift the way they take care of themselves. But what’s MORE fun and more natural for me is being able to provide a full service experience – start to finish; top to bottom; health, business and beyond. To pour more of my heart and soul into my work, and allow my clients to do the same.
Your Year is for you if you’re ready to go deep. If you’re ready to really do the work and make the changes, because your gut and your soul are telling you that you MUST.
Your Year is for you if you love the idea of having me on your speed dial (or text message favorites).
Your Year is for you if you crave additional accountability and support to make significant, long lasting changes in your body and in your life.
Your Year is for you if you’re ready to make 2019 your best year yet. For real.
So what exactly is Your Year?
Here’s what’s included in the Your Year experience:
Private Coaching
Retreat – One VIP private retreat (1.5 days) – We’ll meet for an immersive, restorative experience in either NYC or Los Angeles. Your retreat will be crafted specifically for you – we may do anything from visiting the Met for creative inspiration, getting down and dirty with your business plan, to shopping and cooking a delicious meal together.
Community – Enrollment in The Rockstar Coaching Collective for the duration of your program. As you may know, Rockstar is my weekly, high level group coaching program, so not only will you have support from me in our 1:1 sessions, you’ll also have my support through Rockstar (and be a part of this kickass community of women!). There’s a retreat included in Rockstar too, so that’s TWO in person retreats with me over the course of Your Year.
Support – Remember what I said about having me on your speed dial? It’s more than just that. As part of Your Year, you’ll receive support in the following areas:
Learn more + apply for Your Year here.
Is the Your Year program not for you, or not for you right now?
Here are two other options for working with me and Team Your Healthiest You:
>>The Rockstar Coaching Collective<<
The Rockstar Coaching Collective is a 9-month, high level, LIVE group coaching program. It’s a mix of health, life and business coaching, and we meet every single week via video conference.
Rockstar is for inspired ladies looking for support in taking both their personal and professional lives to the next level. Many of our women are IIN grads and health coaches or entrepreneurs, but we also have lawyers and women in PR and bakery owners. We have new moms and moms of teens, single ladies and women who have been married for decades.
The common theme is that these women want to better themselves on a deep level – it’s not just about looking good and checking achievement boxes, it’s about feeling present, connected and aligned with their life purpose.
Rockstar is about learning to embody self care and make choices from a place of intuition every day. It’s about being able to show up exactly as you are and be a part of a collective that supports you no matter what you got going on that day or week.
We’re currently accepting applications for Rockstar for Spring 2019.
Click here to learn more + apply for Rockstar.
>>Private Coaching with Your Healthiest You coach, Emily<<
If you know something’s up with your body – digestive issues, weight, exhaustion – or something’s up with your life – feeling blocked, needing a career change, not connecting to your intuition – and you haven’t been able to get to the bottom of it on your own, I want you to know it’s okay.
If you’ve been struggling with your health or weight, or if you simply know that there is a brighter, shinier version of you ready to come through, Your Healthiest You one-on-one coaching may be the right fit for you.
We have 3 spots available for coaching with Your Healthiest You coach, Emily Nachazel, beginning in April 2019.
Click here to learn more + apply for 1:1 coaching.
You’re not alone, and you don’t have to tackle your body, life or business goals alone. You’re not broken or to blame, you just need the right person or team to support you.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.