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To Journaling
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.
Today I’m going to share with you something I’ve never shared before:
I spent the first 6 years of my health coaching business completely doubting myself.
I was stuck in a cycle of indecision, anxiety and (ultimately) loneliness in my day-to-day work.
From the outside I probably looked like I had it all together – I had a full schedule of clients, I was a co-host on a popular wellness talk show and was making more money than I ever had in my life doing something I truly loved.
And yet I still felt unhappy.
My work-life (and also my LIFE life) wasn’t feeling fun. I questioned myself on everything. I spent a lot of my days paralyzed with fear of failure instead of staying in action in my tasks and projects. Too often I’d avoid making decisions (and feeling my feelings) by zoning out on the couch watching crap television, or worse, getting back to bed to hide from it all under the covers.
Plus, the important people in my life didn’t really know how to help. My husband couldn’t say anything right. My friends didn’t really get what I did for a living. And my family didn’t understand why I wasn’t happy – wasn’t I doing what I loved?
So I hired coaches and did lots of online courses – which were amazing and taught me so much, but they still didn’t shift how I felt in my business and my body. They didn’t make the Sunday Scaries disappear, keep me accountable to eat the lunch I packed for that day, or remind me to breathe when I needed it the most, in the moments I needed it most.
The bottom line… I felt alone.
So what shifted things for me? What inspired me to get my booty out of bed, share my life on social media, write two best selling books, coach hundreds of women around the world and ultimately feel like I COULD DO THIS??
I found the right support.
I found a sounding board. I found people I had to show up for every, single week. A community I could lean on and could rely on to reflect back to me who I really was and what I was capable of even on the days when I felt so far from it.
I hired an employee who believed in me and my vision as much as I did in my heart. I leaned into my wellness colleagues and asked for their guidance and support with my challenges. And I created the ultimate coaching program for my clients where I would be required to show up as myself every week.
It is lonely to work by yourself, it’s lonely to be a mom at home with a little one by yourself, and even to be in a corporate job where you feel like no one really, really gets you.
I can almost guarantee that if you’re someone who’s drawn to wellness, you’re drawn to people to connect, to create and share in the joy – you’re really not supposed to do this alone. And that’s true whether you’re a health coach or just a healthy person in your life.
And you know what, you shouldn’t have to do it alone.
This Thursday (7/13) I’ll be sending out an email with an invitation for you to apply to my highest, most intimate, most real coaching program, The Rockstar Coaching Collective. Rockstar is a space for you to show up and be supported by YOUR people, in real time, every single week.
I created this group for my women who had done the programs but needed that next level of support to take their bodies, their businesses and their lives where they KNEW they could go.
This is one place where you can let it all out – we’ll talk about your food, we’ll workshop your dreams, and we’ll have space to shake out what’s going on in your relationships and lots more.
Applications will be open for just a few days (through Monday 7/16), so I wanted to give you a heads up. Sign-up for my newsletter and keep your eyes on your inbox – I can’t wait to share more about this truly special group with you.
PS. We ALL need support. This Thursday you’ll receive an email invitation (sign-up for the newsletter if you aren’t already!) to apply to The Rockstar Coaching Collective – my highest, most intimate and most supportive coaching program. Keep your eyes on your inbox for that email – applications will be open for a few days only!
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.