May 9, 2024

We Went Deeep [Podcast Episode]!

I was recently on my friend Daniella Rabbani’s podcast Mom Curious, and not only was it an absolute delight to hang out with her and chat, but it was also exciting to watch her in action – what a next level podcast host! 

During our time together, Daniella and I explored a wide range of subjects, touching on everything from the joys and challenges of motherhood to the importance of self-care and having FUN (and lots of it)! We discussed the births of Navy and Dover, my relationships with my children and husband, and I even admitted to a couple of arrests in my past 🤫Both Daniella and I shared the struggles we face in trying to juggle our various roles as moms, entrepreneurs, and partners, all while staying true to ourselves. 

I didn’t shy away from delving into more personal topics either, including losing my father when I was just a teenager and how that immense loss has informed the way I live my life, as well as my experience with postpartum depression after my second daughter, Dover was born. 

I’m grateful to Daniella for having me on Mom Curious, enjoy the episode! Here are a few more highlights:

Meditate Anywhere 

I need meditation in my life so I do it – wherever I go, anywhere I go, and without shame. I even meditate in Ubers! Just one minute or a couple of breaths can make a difference. To notice yourself and your own inner light. You can drop in with me at minute 2:45 in the episode.

Take Fun Seriously and Give Yourself Permission To Play

I have so much fun! I think of it as a crucial part of my job and it’s my highest form of self care! I think it’s important, even as adults, to remember to give ourselves the freedom to play (especially as parents) because this is our life too. 

Calm, Clear Communication

Whether it’s with your partner, your kids, or a friend, I find this to be so important. I communicate my needs, what I’m available for and what I’m not. If you’re not used to doing this with the people in your life then start practicing!

Make the Phone Call to Get the Help You Need

I suffered from postpartum depression after I had my second daughter and I want to empower anyone out there who is struggling to make the phone call, to tell your partner or a friend to help you get the help you need. 



PS FYI the school I received my nutrition certification through, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), is running a 50% off sale through June 2nd. Their signature Health Coach Training Program is starting May 20th and Gut Health Course starts on May 28th. Use my code ROBYNYOUKILIS20 at checkout! 
PPS My Hot Mama Mother’s Day Event is SO SOON! We are gathering on May 19th in Brooklyn! You’re going to get mini facials, massages, acupressure, makeup touch ups, the gift bag of your dreams – I am truly spoiling you in every way because you DESERVE IT ALL!

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