January 7, 2017

Dream Life Workshop #1 – This could change everything…

Welcome to your virtual weekend workshop on creating your dream life! Each day for the next three days I’ll share a simple tip and quick exercise to help you get clear on your 2017 goals AND create a plan to make those goals actually happen. To participate, all you need to do is be on my email list. That’s it! If you are not on my list yet, you can sign up using the form at the bottom of this post.

Ready to get started? I am! Lets do this

Three Essential Elements to Create Your Dream Life {for reals}

First up, let’s get clear on your top 3 goals for 2017. Grab a piece of paper, journal, or use the notes in your phone and write them down.

I recommend choosing a physical goal (body), mind-body goal (spiritual), and career goal, but choose the three goals that are most important to you. Maybe these goals include one or two from last years didnt quite happenlist, maybe they are completely different. Don’t over think it, what would feel exciting for you to accomplish in the coming year?

Okay now that you’re clear on your big goals, let’s make them actually happen…

dream life essential element 1

Create Your Dream Life Essential Element #1: Your goals must be practical.

Ok, now youre clear on your big goals, your next likely question is HOWWWWW??? How do you take your goals from intentions to everyday reality?

  • How do you get to the gym to workout when you are so exhausted at the end of the day all you want to do is go home and be horizontal?
  • How do you get into meal prep when you don’t have the brain space to think about a new vegetable, let alone a whole new recipe?
  • How do you start to journal when Netflix and chill just feels so much easier?

Here’s what works…

Trim your plan by 20-50%.

Take your goal and strip it down until you feel like its SUPER achievable. Your goal to take a 90-minute yoga class twice a week might become a 90-second plank every other day.

Here’s the secret: You can always add in more, but you can’t always instantly heal the disappointment of “failure” and inadequacy. Yes, it is possible to shift in a moment, but it’s not always the reality.

One of the BIGGEST mistakes people make is setting the bar way too high and expecting to hit it in one month.

By taking small steps you build momentum until you SPRING out of bed every morning CRAVING that yoga class. Right now, simplify the three goals you wrote down above by at least 20%.

Boring is awesome.

The biggest push back I get on eating healthy is Its so boring!

What I eat is boring80% of the time. I dont make recipes. I dont make composed dishes. I stick with my healthy basics: steamed or sautéed greens, seared tempeh or fish, healthy fats like avocado and nuts, and plenty of sweet roasted root veggies.

Boring doesn’t have to be a bad thing, and in fact, sometimes it’s an awesome thing. It can equal simplicity, satisfaction, and peace of mind. Oh, and TIME and ENERGY. NBD.

You do not have to be an Instagram food stylist to feel and look great. Keep it sweet and simple.

If all your pencil skirts are driving you crazy, try a different style.

After I had my daughter Navy, the AM workouts stopped working for me. By the time I slogged out of bed, fed the babe and got dressed, I was starving and out of time.

So I had to find a new time and way to move my body. Through trial and error, I realized that 4:30PM was my prime time late enough to get my work done beforehand yet early enough for me to get home for dinner with my husband, Scott.

Is this my ideal time mentally? Is it what I wrote down as part of my goals last year? No, but its what works on a practical, daily level, and thats what matters.


Ok, after stripping down the three goals you set and getting real with me today, email us at [email protected] your condensed, super doable new 2017 targets.

Just freaking do it. Now. {this is the boot camp directive coming in!}.

And then watch your inbox for Essential Elements #2 and 3 coming your way tomorrow and Monday

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