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To Journaling
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Last week I announced that I’m hosting a summer kick off party, whoo hoo! BUT as I’ve sat with this intention, and messaged with you all about your hopes and dreams for your summer, I’ve realized this goes so much deeper than just having a good time.
This is about living your life, exactly how you want to.
See, I’ve been a lifetime lover of doing whatever the f*ck I want need.
Yes, I’m pretty sure I was born this way – coming out with controversial red hair with only one great aunt before me was a start – but mainly I’ve had a series of really rough life moments where I could’ve shriveled who I was, and instead I didn’t.
I so clearly remember a moment in first or second grade when someone was making fun of my sick multicolor one-piece sweats jumpsuit and pre pre Debbie Gibson hat (yes, I will find a photo of this awesomeness). Everything inside of me wanted to hide and do anything to blend in in that merciless moment. But the louder voice, the truest and deepest me, maybe even my intuition before we were calling it that, said this so loudly in my mind – absolutely the fuck not.
“I like what I’m wearing and you don’t have to”. Quite bold from a 3rd grader.
And so that’s when it began. A lifetime of THIS IS WHO I AM AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO LIKE IT.
Fast forward 30 something years, a giant business, two books, bicoastal life and two babies and that’s still exactly who I am.
Even when I’m stretched too thin.
Even when there so clearly isn’t time for my needs.
And yes, even as a loving mama.
I still choose me and what makes me, well me, first. Before my business. Before my marriage. And even before my kids.
Because I know if my own soul, and my own feisty spirit isn’t thriving, most likely nothing else in my life will either.
And here’s one thing I know even more than I knew that dang Debbie Gibson hat would become a giant trend two years later (as it inevitably did), is that anyone can learn, practice, and own the shit out of their own lives.
Because claiming THIS IS WHO I AM NOW a skill, and I’m going to teach you exactly that in my upcoming webinar.
Announcing…. THIS IS WHO I AM NOW
A workshop to claim the shit out of exactly who YOU are, in this moment, in this season of your life
You’ll learn:
Best part? You don’t have to scout tickets for this event. I’m not Taylor Swift 😉
Since you’re already on my email list, you’re all set to join us! Just click here to add the event to your calendar.
And then get excited – it’s going to be a serious summer party!
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.