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“Why did you choose to play that kind of music during the mediation? I loved it, but it’s different than anything I’ve experienced before”
During the Go With Your Gut Retreat at Kripalu this past weekend, I incorporated several short meditations for us to connect to ourselves and our intuition. Some were in total quiet (this was better for doing a body scan), but several were with music in the background.
When one of the retreat participants asked me my WHY for the music, it made me smile.
My answer was simple: it felt right.
There are moments when we want total quiet, but there are other moments when listening to music during a mediation helps us get in the zone and feel JOY.
If you’ve never given music meditation a try, I’d love for you to give a whirl this weekend.
Click here to grab my Kripalu Retreat Meditation Spotify Playlist and click play. Close your eyes and take deep belly breaths for a full song. Try smiling. See how it feels for you. If you’re feeling great, go for 2 or 3 songs.
If meditation feels like something you SHOULD do but it’s just not happening, maybe this style of meditation will make it easier and more fun, and actually happen.
After you give it a try, I’d love to know how it felt! Did you have any ah-has? If you’ve struggled with meditation in the past, did this feel more doable? Reply to this email and let me know in the comments.
P.S. I am still riding high from the magical retreat weekend! We had women ages 23-83, a father and daughter, a mother and son, and everything in between. We laughed together (some tears too), shared stories, meditated, and connected on what life is really all about. I told my participants it’s not about the content (although I was super excited for that too) but it’s really about the experience and all the little in between moments. Those connections and moments that you remember forever. I will certainly remember this weekend forever
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.