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To Journaling
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As a Jewish woman and mother, the tragic events of the weekend have been felt on many levels. My heart is so heavy right now for Israel and for the entire world.
And while I think it’s important that we not just look away when atrocities happen, I also want to remind you that it’s okay to do what you need to do to protect your peace and your mental health.
It’s okay to not read all the articles and watch all the footage.
It’s okay to remove social media from your phone for a day or for a week.
It’s okay to do what you need to protect your peace.
The only way we can be of service, the only way we can build a better world is from a grounded place, so I encourage you to prioritize that for yourself and for your families, always and especially now.
On my Instagram account, I’ll be sharing ways we can support Israel, and support the Jewish people there and around the world.
I will be back here sharing more about “business stuff,” when it feels more aligned and true in my heart.
Until then, I pray.
I pray for peace.
I pray for a miracle.
I pray for all the children.
Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.