June 8, 2021

She’s Here!

She’s here!

We’re so happy to share that our daughter Dover Sadie Valins was born at 5:23pm on Wednesday May 26 with the powerful super floweroon and lunar eclipse! Weighing nearly 10 lbs and 22 inches long with the most grounded, solid spirit. I still can’t believe it’s a girl! 

she's here

Mama, daddy, and big sis Navy are doing great and slowly (very slowly) adjusting to our new life.  We’re over the moon that she’s here and will do our best not to eat her smoosh face. 

Dover is named after a special town in Vermont where my family has had a home for 30+ years, where Scott and I got married and where I feel my dad’s spirit is. It was his favorite place on earth.

We are so in love with our newest addition and I can’t wait to share more of her with you.

Tell me below, did you guess we’d have a boy or girl?

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