April 26, 2024

Take A Moment To Drop In With Me

It’s been another full and busy week, between Passover with family, having my kids off from school for Spring Break (not a break at all for parents by the way, but at least the kids are having fun, right!? lol), work, and trying to squeeze in some time for myself too. There have been some sweet highs, and some really tough lows out in the world. As we head into the weekend, I invite you to take a moment to pause with me, to breathe, to be, and to reconnect to yourself. Because the more peace we can feel in our bodies, the more peace we can create in the world. [Insert praying hands emojji]

In case you missed it, I shared an 80 second Guided Grounding session with miracle tones on Instagram yesterday.

I hope this gives you some extra support today.



P.S. I extended Early Bird pricing for my Hot Mama Mother’s Day experience through Tuesday, April 30th so grab your girlfriends and sign up now before prices go up!

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