October 15, 2024

Join me, Bobbi Brown, Deepak Chopra, and more!

Calling all wellness/learning junkies! I’m thrilled to invite you to Wellbeing 2024 this coming weekend, a transformative virtual wellness summit hosted by my nutrition school, IIN. Join me and an incredible lineup of experts like Deepak Chopra, MD, Bobbi Brown, and Daniel Amen, MD (honored to be in such good company!).  Mark Your Calendar 🗓️:When:

June 28, 2024

Can We Do Business Differently? Here’s How…

Have you ever hired your friend? I have. It’s really unusual to have such an incredible personal relationship with someone who feels like family, and also know that they’re one of the absolute best at what they do. I’ve been lucky to hire Jess Scheer as a business strategist and coach for both myself and

June 14, 2024

How Sara Green Discovered Peace and Balance

The other day I was reflecting on why I love what I do, and then I received a heartwarming testimonial from one of my clients about their experience with my intuitive healing sessions. It reminded me of the impact these sessions can have, and I wanted to share it with you all… “Are you stuck in thoughts and patterns that


  • 1. Gut Health

    Heal yourself inside and out with beautiful soul food.
  • 2. Gut Intuition

    Hone your internal guidance system so you can learn to trust your gut.
  • 3. Having Guts

    Live boldly, and fiercely. Life’s too short to be a wallflower.
June 4, 2024

I’ve Never Felt Like This Before In My Entire Career

I’m talking less than I ever have in my entire career.  In all my years on this planet of leading, teaching, talking, I’ve never talked less.  Why? Well, in general I’ve had a much harder time showing up online lately, and I’ve craved privacy like I never have before. I go to share, and while

March 19, 2024

My School Is Having a HUGE sale!

The school I received my nutrition certification through, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), is running the most INSANE SALE through April! Plus, they’ve really expanded their certification offerings. Read more below… Over the past three decades, IIN has curated the most comprehensive and immersive education in the growing field of health coaching. Their Health

    Get My Go-To Guide
    To Journaling

    Sign up now to get the behind the scenes how-to of my personal journaling practice, complete with rituals and prompts that will keep you grounded and strengthen your gut intuition in no time.